Notion of peace
The notion of peace can be defined as the process of acquiring values and knowledge; and developing attitudes and behaviours that inure to living at peace with oneself, with others and the natural environment.
Definitions of peace
Peace (from Latin: pax, pacis) 1
- condition of countries which are not at war : fight for peace in the world.
- cessation of hostilities between two or several warring parties : to broker peace.
- state of understanding, agreement between citizens, social groups, absence of social fighting, social upheavals : social peace.
- condition of a group of persons who are not quarrelling or are not at loggerheads with each other: be at peace with one’s neighbours.
- state of dead quietness in someone’s home.
- state of a person who enjoys inner peace. peace in someone’s soul. To have peace of mind.
- Absence of noise and commotion in a place: the peace of cemeteries.