Which of these definitions correspond to a social context ? Tick the best answer.
Peace is the state of someone who enjoys inner peace, peace in someone’s soul.
Peace is the cessation of hostility between two or several warring parties.
Peace is the state of understanding, agreement between citizens, social groups, absence of social fighting, social upheaval.
Peace is the state of a group of people who are not quarelling with each other.
Peace is the state of calmness of rest to somebody
Peace is the state of countries that are not at war. : Fight for peace in the world.
Peace is the absence of noise and commotion in a place.
Challenges of a culture of peace are:
Peace is rooted in the culture of individuals, states and peoples.
The culture of peace is characterized by the adoption of values such as the spirit of dialogue, negotiation instead of violence.
The culture of peace is innate, it cannot be learned.
Peace-building can be impeded by the following factors:
What is the difference between constraint and challenge? Tick the correct answer.
Among the following strategies proposed in the course, mark those who can be implemented by everybody.
Establishment of equal justice for all citizens
Providing support for organisations working to promote peace such as national and international non-governmental organisations and associations as well as United Nations agencies
Strengthening of national democratic institutions and respect for ratified international conventions
Compliance with laws and regulations
Ecological protection for the sustainability of relations between human beings and their environment
Teaching of skills and knowledge as a means of promoting support for peace and negotiation skills to ensure a harmonious life for oneself and peaceful co-existence with others