Causes/Factors/Sources of conflicts

Generally, the causes of conflicts are as follows:

  • stereotypes (physical, spiritual, mental, social, ethnic/tribal, etc.)
  • exclusion and discrimination (prejudices, racism, aggressiveness, intolerance, marginalisation,  gender discrimination, sexism, racial prejudices, xenophobia , religious intolerance,  fanaticism, partiality , inequalities, injustice, …) ;
  • ill-adapted individual characters (dishonesty, selfishness, suspicion, greed, envy, jealousy, cupidity, rancour, lack of trust, thirst for power, fear, aggresiveness , violence …) ;
  • disagreements in points of view (misunderstanding, frustrations …) ;
  • lack of communication (false/preconceived ideas/lack of understanding …) ;
  • poor governance and democratic deficit (institutionalised corruption, impunity, absence of the rule of law, poverty, struggle for economic opportunities  …)
  • State decline
  • National and transnational delinquency, porous borders and the development of a war economy.

Nature of conflicts 

  • Political Conflicts
  • Social conflicts
  • Cultural conflicts
  • Economic conflicts
  • Religious conflicts
  • Ethnic/tribal/racial conflicts