Human rights:
Every human being is entitled to enjoy human rights because of their human nature. These are « universal guarantees which safeguard individuals and groups from all acts of violation of their fundamental freedoms and human dignity. »
Source: César NTANGU LIHAU Bibliometric and Bibliographic Approach of the UN Secretary General's Reports of Human Rights Violations perpetrated in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 2001 [Online] Page accessed on 15/06/2012.
According to, J. Mourgeon, a legal expert, human rights are « prerogatives, governed by rules, which an individual is entitled to enjoy in his relations with other private persons and the authorities ». Source: J. Mourgeon. Dictionary of International Issues. [Online]. Page accessed on 15/06/2012
They constitute a critical foundation of modern political ethics. A right is a prerogative recognised by law for someone to do something, or not to do something, to have something, to avail oneself of something or to request something from another person.
Human rights are prerogatives of this kind which the law allows every human being to enjoy. These rights are inalienable to all human beings right from birth and they all ensure human dignity. Thus, human rights are inalienable, universal and indivisible.
Human Rights:
All the prerogatives which every individual can enjoy. These natural, universal and inalienable rights are generally recognised by the most famous laws constitutional texts such as the 1789 French Declaration on Human Rights and Citizenship Rights. Dictionnaire de la Langue Française