The principles on which human rights are based inform the formulation, implementation and evaluation of all programmes.

The human rights-based approach is founded on the principle of participation which implies accountability and effective monitoring by the population at all stages of the development processes, from the programme formulation stage; namely design analysis, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Public and development policies are therefore guided sustainably and more effectively towards the achievement of human rights objectives. The human rights-based approach contributes to the quality of the development processes leading to sustainable and more equitable results.

The development plans, policies and mechanisms are anchored on a system of rights and corresponding obligations established by international law.

Today, we are heading towards a common interpretation by United Nations institutions in respect of the approach towards development of human rights-based cooperation.

Thus, citizens will be trained in human rights to enable them to participate in the public policy formulation process which determines their daily life.

In the case of an ordinary situation, three criteria inform the consideration of an issue by public authorities. If these three criteria are met, it is more likely that the issue will be taken into account by policy makers:

  • The issue or problem is, by and large, of major interest and concern
  • A broad section of the public demand that action should be taken
  • The issue is a crucial one for a State organisation to which it has been presented and that the organisation responsible must be empowered to solve the issue.