Often poorly understood as limited to issues relating to women concept, gender should be understood as a sociological concept which determines the differences between individuals in terms of gender, minorities, social class, age and power. Its purpose is to promote human development and widely shared while promoting social skills and human potential of each member of society in the context of sustainable peace. However, it must be said that women with children, the main victims of conflicts. However, the participation of the latter determines the success of collective peace efforts worldwide. If the woman is confined to secondary roles, it is clear that it does not fully play her role in economic and social development. The importance of these issues explains the need for training on GENDER, prospects for peace and development.
Teaching objectives
1. Master the concepts of gender and gender dimension
2. Conduct educational and educational activities that enhance the inclusion of the gender perspective
3. Adopt positive attitudes towards gender promotion
Give your own definitions to these words or groups of words
- Gender
- Gender approach
- Gender approach and gender promotion for peace