Which of these definitions seem most appropriate (check the exact words)
Gender is a concept dealing women issues.
Gender is a concept that determines individual differences in gender, minorities, social class, age, etc...
Gender approach implies to consider the different opportunities for men and women, the roles assigned to them socially and relationships between them.
In which year was the Beijing Conference on the status on the status of women gender and development dimension released?. (Check the chosen date)
Which of these statements is appropriate. "Mainstreaming" puts the emphasis on:
From the list provided below, identify the factors that determine the gender relations and roles assigned to women and men in society:
Chooses from the list below, the domains where the state can by laws and policies institutionalize and maintain inequality between men and women
In what year was the 1820 resolution admitting sexual acts of violence linked to conflicts as a question of international peace and security adopted? Select the correct date.