Obstacle to peace and gender development

According to the UN, "the concept of gender refers to the different social roles and relationships between men and women, boys and girls. These roles are shaped by social, cultural, economic and political conditions as well as expectations and obligations in society which, in turn, influence how groups are affected by armed conflicts.

The study conducted by Femme Africa Solidarité (FAS) on « Gender and violence against women in conflict zones» presented in 2009 at the ENSO Thiès, in Senegal, revealed that despite the training received and existence of international texts with respect to gender in peacekeeping operations (PKO), women are hardly present in peacekeeping operations within the ECOWAS region.

Obstacle to peace and gender development (suite)

The existence of texts alone is not enough to ensure the integration of Gender into Conflict Management and Resolution. Behavioural change will require the training of men through specific awareness creation activities, information, or education based on:

  • The situation of injustice (exclusion, bias ...etc.): "this is the injustice that hurts us; it is to be the victim of it" says Pierre Nicolas in "Human Relationships".

Violence (violence based on gender in conflict situations; abuse and sexual exploitation of children, etc.).Violence is a general term used to describe an aggressive, unfriendly, non- pacifist, belligerent, enemy behaviour, i.e. an imposed constraint which causes pain and grief. "Gender-based violence is for men and women, where women are usually the victim. It stems from unequal power relations between men and women. The violence is directed against a woman because she is a women or it affects women disproportionately. It includes, but is not limited to, physical, sexual and psychological aggression... it is also a violence perpetrated or condoned by the State" [United Nations Population Funds (UNFPA), Gender Thematic Group].