Security and peace challenges within the ECOWAS sub-region
The diversity of situations within ECOWAS has a strong influence on the challenges confronting peace and development. Among these challenges are:
- Elections which are often an opportunity for tension, excessive violence and they are the source of serious political crises;
- The difficulties to establish and consolidate democracy;
- The emergence of extremist ideological and social movements;
- Population growth and youth population (the youth below 20 years represent more than 50% of the population in West Africa)
- Lack of access to education, training and employment
- The mismatch between the provision of educational resources and the needs of populations. Strategies for peacekeeping, integration and management of issues of equity and equality do not receive adequate support.
- A high level of poverty among 50% of the population living below the poverty line and more than 60% on less than a dollar a day;
- The exponential growth of migration due to political and military crises
- Free movement of goods and services within the ECOWAS region was a fertile ground for the development of pandemics, but also human trafficking and smuggling
- The circulation of small arms and light weapons.
- The inefficiency of public policies
- Ethnic tensions
- Increase in drug trafficking
- The persistence of armed conflicts
For any action to address these challenges, it is imperative to conduct a situational analysis for the integration of the gender dimension.