Why learn health and environment?
Degradation of the environment has an impact on public health. Most microbes that make us sick from our immediate environment, they are in the air, in water and in the food we eat. More the environment is unhealthy more we are exposed to various diseases that can be transmitted from human to human. Some diseases are transmitted to us by the animals that live in our neighborhood. Some insects such as mosquitoes thrive in stagnant water and are vectors of malaria, a disease that causes a lot of damage in our regions. Also our good health depends heavily on the quality of our environment.
Teaching objectives
● Identify the different environmental issues
● Identify the different public health issues
● Establish the link between public health and environmental issues
● Apply the techniques and actions for environmental protection.
● Promote environmental management actions and sustaining public health
● Adopt responsible behaviours when faced with public health and environmental issues
Health and environment?
What do I personally do to make my healthy and pleasant environment?
That is the fact that each individual caring for her or him at home enough to safeguard public health?
What do I do to make sure that everyone participates in a collective work of seasoning in the global environment?
In a given environment, the good health of some and others are not interdependent?