Why learn sustainable development ?
Does the land belong to one generation? Are we right to waste resources that we inherited from our parents for our benefit? What kind of world will we leave to future generations? What would be the future of humanity if we impoverish the land; we clear without reserving forests and pollute the earth, for example? How can we be satisfied with what we strictly need to live?
Teaching objectives
- Identify important factors on sustainable development
- Establish the link between environment and sustainable development
- Use the techniques and actions for environmental protection.
- Indicate the areas of implementation of sustainable development
- Identify environmental actions and practical public health related to sustainable environment in a locality, region, and country.
- Propose concrete actions for a healthy and balanced environment
- Initiate a commitment to promote sustainable development in one's environment
Sustainable development ?
What I personally do to avoid waste?
Will I have the wood cutting?
Will I have to let the water run from the tap, the electric lamp on, the air conditioner, and fans running?