Why learn regional integration?

As soon as they attained international sovereignty, the States of the West African sub-region opted for a reunification policy in order to remove the barriers created by the colonial administrations. Their objectives were to provide themselves with consultation frameworks for the realization of common development objectives and to ensure that they gather real momentum to build and strengthen their solidarity. This ideal remained the common thread of their regional cooperation policy throughout the last decade.

For the integration policy to make a better impact on the lives of the communities and for it to be owned by the people, the Heads of State of ECOWAS adopted Vision 2020 so as to move from an ECOWAS of States to an ECOWAS of People.

Teaching objectives

- Master the values and notions relating to the vision and mission of ECOWAS ;

- Develop strategies and activities conducive to the promotion and realization of the mission of ECOWAS

- Carry out teaching activitiesconducive tothe promotion and realization of the mission of ECOWAS

- Adopt attitudes conducive tothe promotion and realization of the mission of ECOWAS.


  • What is ECOWAS ?
  • What are itsmissions ?
  • What are its institutions ?