The Various Types and Axes of Integration

  • Social and Cultural Integration (education, diversities, youth, health, tourism, etc.)

- This is probably the most important thrust because this is where the shared desire for a common existence can take shape. The involvement of the people must necessarily be done through the conviction of belonging to one same social entity, be it in the area of integration or peace education. The outcome of all the processes must necessarily be done by targeting the population.

- The implementation of this cultural integration process often occurs traditionally through festivals, fairs and other international gatherings. However, the limitations of such an implementation are found in the issue of non-correlation and the lack of emotional flow on a large scale, except for music which often does it very well. However, this often occurs at a level where the medium brings an artiste and ‘'his'' public together more than two peoples.

The 2011 edition had the objective of promoting regional integration and trade among Member States. Besides, it is themed: « Strengthening Intra-Community Trade through Public-Private Partnership ».

- It appears that the remedy which must be the subject of serious study is certainly the harmonization of the teaching syllabi. Harmonization should mean a synergy between the programmes, and not standardization.

- In this regard one of the examples which may be proposed is the organization of a school festival (because one must work on the young generation) at which troupes of pupils and teams would never see themselves as nations playing against nations, but rather as nations functioning within the multinational ECOWAS group in which their respective know-how will be brought to bear, and in which emphasis is placed on synergy rather than competition. The teams are no longer opponents, but rather regional integration laboratories. Competition no longer means rivalry, but rather a school of inter-state solidarity. The platform no longer serves to give expression to a culture; it is a social communication school.