The Various Types and Axes of Integration
Infrastructure (Energy,, telecoms, transport - land, air and sea)
- Energy
- A Programme was adopted in May, 1982 by the Authority of Heads of State and Government - The West African Gas Pipeline Project: On the request of ECOWAS, the World Bank undertook a West African gas pipeline pre-feasibility study.
- To this end, Benin, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo decided to install a pipeline for the use of natural gas from Nigeria by the four countries for the production of energy.
- Formulation of a master plan for the development of the means of energy production and electricity networks of the Member States.
- Establishment of a West African electric energy system called the « West African Power Pool ».
- Telecommunications
- A programme was approved by the Authority of Heads of State and Government at its session held in May, 1979 - INTELCOM I: direct telephone; telex et fax linkage of the capitals of the Member States.
- INTELCOM II: A feasibility study to modernize telephone linkages. Adoption of convergence criteria to facilitate the development of the sector.
- Construction of Trans-West African Roads
- A programme was approved by the Authority in December, 1980 in Lomé: Nouakchott-Lagos: a stretch of 4,560 km, 3,800 km was constructed, i.e. 83% of works.
- Dakar-N'Djamena : a total stretch of 4,460 km, 3,894 km was constructed, i.e. 88% of works ; a total stretch of 11,423 km, 7,653 km of interconnection roads , i.e. 67 %, of works was also constructed.